Your Data?

Your Data?

Get Digital Empowerment to Own and Share Your
Personal, Financial, Medical and Business Data with Consent.

Get Digital Empowerment to Own and Share Your
Personal, Financial, Medical and Business Data with Consent.

Manage Your Data On-The-Go

NUVO is a mobile digital wallet solution that lets you carry your essential documents conveniently and securely anytime - anywhere.

Powered by cloud and blockchain technology, NUVO provides Digital Empowerment for every individual to own and share Personal, Financial, Medical and Business data with consent.


Mobile First

Convenient way to access and manage your digital data and documents, share data with review and consent

Mobile First

Convenient way to access and manage your digital data and documents, share data with review and consent

Online, All-the-Time

Link multiple accounts, use mobile authentication methods, conduct online data transfers from anywhere

Online, All-the-Time

Link multiple accounts, use mobile authentication methods, conduct online data transfers from anywhere

Powerful Security

Complete Control with Built-in security and encryption, protects your personal data from unauthorized access

Powerful Security

Complete Control with Built-in security and encryption, protects your personal data from unauthorized access

Decked with countless features.

Each feature is specifcially made for users and aimed at making your life easier.

Enhanced Security ♡

Your data is encrypted and stored on a distributed ledger, making it much more difficult to steal or compromise.

Improved Privacy

You control who has access to your identity data and what information they can see. You can choose to share only specific attributes with different entities, rather than your entire identity profile.

Greater Control

You have complete ownership of your DID and can decide how it's used. You can revoke access to your data at any time or easily transfer it to a new service provider.

Reduced Friction

Mobile-first solution to streamline online interactions and data exchange. With data readily available on your phone, you can log in to services, make payments, and verify your identity quickly and easily.


More control over your digital footprint. You can choose what information you share online and with whom, giving you more control over your privacy.


Open up new possibilities for innovation in the digital world. They can be used to create new types of online services and applications that are more secure, private, and user-centric.


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NUVO is a distributed and decentralized data aggregation, exchange and consent management solution, which brings together all the "data stakeholders" - Users, Issuers, Consumers, Validators and Brokers on a single solution.